Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day Zero, Part Nine

(Outside the house)

V.E: Did you finish preparing for the match?

    -I’m all ready!  >Fight
    -Actually, there’s something I forgot…  >Not Yet

Not Yet
V.E: Hurry up.

Rif: Just watch! Don’t forget once I’ve taken you down, you have to start working as a blacksmith’s assistant!

Killfith: Hmph… Why don’t you save the sleep-talk for when you’re asleep?

Rif: Let’s do this!

(Rif and Killfith fight; Rif wins)

Rif: So! I’m pretty good after all, don’t you think?

Killfith: I can’t believe it…. That a child like this could beat me…. If I had my powers back…

V.E: Still, a defeat is a defeat.

Killfith: …
    -I guess…

Rif: Then, according to our deal, you’re my assistant now. Right?

Killfith: Tch…

Rif: Well? What do you say?

Killfith: …

Murno: Well, Killfith?

Killfith: …

Rif: Eh, what was that? I couldn’t hear you.

Killfith: I said fine!
    -I’ll be your damn blacksmith’s assistant.

V.E: Okay.

Rif: (hums) All righty! Starting today, you are going to be my apprentice!
    -(gets smacked over the head)
    -Owwwie! What was that for?!

V.E: It’s a hundred years too soon for a half-baked novice like you to have an apprentice!

Rif: Don’t call me half-baked!

V.E: Quiet, you! Killfith is your associate. No, rather…
    -Killfith is your partner!

Rif: Partner…

Killfith: …

V.E: Got that, Rif?

Rif: Yes, ma’am!

V.E: How about you, Killfith?

Killfith: Tch… whatever.

V.E: Remember those words! A Craftknight’s promise is stronger than steel. From today onwards, both of your training begins in earnest!

Rif: Let’s do our best together, Killfith.

Killfith: Hmph.

(black screen)
That was how Killfith and I began our training as Craftknights!

(Cut to introductory movie)

V.E: Hey, what’s with the dramatic pause? Quit posing already! You’re starting intensive training immediately!

Rif: Whaaat?! You mean now?!

V.E: What do you mean, ‘what?’ Thanks to this injury, I won’t be able to work, no matter how determined I am!
     -Even if he’s only able to learn a little at a time, we need to train Killfith as soon as possible! Without his help, we won’t be able to earn a living!

Killfith: Tch… so really, I’m just being forced into labor so you can make money.

V.E: I’ve got my eye on you! A million hammer swings!

Rif: A mi...

Murno: A million hammer swings?

V.E: This is the only way to achieve such a huge goal in any decent amount of time! I want to see you both putting all your fighting spirit into it!

Rif: Ju… just hold on a second!

V.E: And after that… In order to forge a good weapon, it is essential that partners have a close camaraderie.
    -That is why, from today onwards, the two of you will be living together in the workshop.

Rif: Whaaat?!

Killfith: Are you telling me I have to sleep in the same room as this person?!

V.E: What are you complaining about? I said you’re partners, didn’t I? You need to deepen the bond between you as soon as possible.

V.E♡: I remember, Rob… with you, training every day was the sweetest toil… it made me feel as if I would burst into flames, so enchanted was I…

Killfith: Wha… what happened? That woman… Did her aura just change all of a sudden?

Rif: Ah, well, she gets like this from time to time. You get used to it.

V.E: Hold on, Killfith! As Rif's partner, you should refer to me as Master from now on!
    -Got that? MA! STER!

Killfith: I… I got it…

V.E: Then the two of you should meet me in the workshop! Hop to it!

Rif: Guess it can’t be helped. Let’s go, Killfith.

Killfith: Wonderful… not that I have a choice.


-Honestly, I was surprised to find out that I would have to live in the same room as Killfith, but I was happy to finally have a partner.
-But I still don’t know why either him or Murno came to this village… and, well…
-That’s when I thought a walk might help me out…

Rif: No matter how much I think about it, I still don’t get it. Maybe I should just head back home…
    -Hm? Is someone there? It couldn’t be…

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