Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Night Eight - V.E

V.E: Yo, Rif!
    -I’m sorry about what happened today. Looks like you ended up drawing the short end of the stick.
    -All because Jade said there wasn’t anyone in Slenge Mines…

Rif: Come on, Master, calm down…

V.E: Moreover, that Anise and whatever those other guys are called put our Rif through so much horrible suffering…
    -I’ll never forgive them for that…

Rif: Kinda sounds like you want revenge.

V.E: That’s not it. Not that I can explain exactly why it isn’t it, just know that it’s not the same thing at all.

Rif: Gee, thanks for clearing that up…
    -By the way, um… When Master Rob… when he died, he went out by himself, didn’t he?

V.E: Well that came out of nowhere… And don’t you remember? I think we were both at the house when it happened, right?
    -There was a report of a suspicious guy wandering near the Town of Prosban, and since it made him uneasy, he decided to check by himself…
    -Bostaph, who was on patrol at the time, happened across him. He came back, his body riddled with wounds, and Rob’s memento in his hand…
    -I could only accept what he’d picked up…

Rif: And, um… he didn’t meet anyone called Voijin, did he?

V.E: Voijin… geez, let me think… wait, didn’t you mention someone with that name during the conference earlier?
    -Wasn’t that the name of Anise’s boss? Why would you ask me if he’d met with a creep like that?!

Rif: Yeah, you’re right… of course… nevermind, then.

V.E: What’s going on? You think there might be some connection between Rob and that Voijin guy?

Rif: No way! There couldn’t be any kind of connection, no way, no how!

V.E: What is that suppose to mean? Honestly, you…

(fade to black)

-That’s right, there couldn’t be something like a connection between them. Master Rob couldn’t have killed this “Voijin” person…
-I’ve decided. Anise must have been lying!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Night Eight - Tier

Tier: Ah, Rif!
    -Are you doing all right, Rif?

Rif: Huh, what do you mean?

Tier: Because didn’t those guys put you through something horrible?! You weren’t injured or anything, were you?

Rif: Ah, no… I’m just fine. Physically, anyway.

Tier: Wait, what?! What do you mean by that?!

Rif: Um… well, you remember that creep in drag? He gave me a hug… that turned into a stranglehold… ahh, just thinking about it makes me wanna keel over…

Tier: Wait wait wait, who? Oh, wait, I get it! The man… no wait… woman…
    -Whatever, he’s a man! He hurt my Rif, didn’t he…

Rif: Quit talking like that!

Tier: Poor Rif… but you can rest easy now… I’m here now…
    -I won’t do anything to make you hate me…

Rif: I wonder if I should be glad or not…

Tier: It’s okay, Rif, you don’t have to hold back… here, you can cry.
    -Just lay your head on my chest…

Rif: (blushing) Uh, no thanks, Tier, but I appreciate the thought.

Tier: Wow, Rif, you’re really resilient, huh?

Rif: I wonder about that…

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Night Eight - Murno

Murno: Ah, Rif…
    -Um… thank you.
    -Thanks to your help, it seems that the townspeople finally believed my story…

Rif: I’m just glad it turned out so well. It looks like even Bostaph will help in capturing Anise’s gang.

Murno: But once again, you had to suffer through so much hardship because of me. I’m so sorry.

Rif: Don’t worry! Those guys put me through the wringer too, you know. It’s not like it’s somebody else’s problem.

Murno: Rif…

Rif: And anyway, those guys… with Master Rob, as well…

Murno: Eh? What…?

Rif: Ahh, no… it’s nothing.
    -In any case, I also have some business to settle with those guys… So, next time for sure…
    -I’ll definitely catch them…!

Murno: Rif, don’t do anything too rash. No matter what happens, you absolutely have to come back, okay?

Rif: I understand, Murno. Whatever happens, I’ll be sure to come back for you, okay?

Murno: Thank you, Rif.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Night Eight - Lemmy

Lemmy: So you were here…
    -(blushing) Um…

Rif: What is it? Oh, how is your injury from when you were fighting Red Wing? Is it all right?

Lemmy: Ah, yeah, it’s already fine now.

Rif: Thanks for today, by the way. We were really saved thanks to you.

Lemmy: Ah… yeah…

Rif: Really, if you hadn’t come when you did, Anise really might have done me in for good.

Lemmy: Yeah… I suppose so. Um…

Rif: You know, if it was only me and my partner up against Red Wing, I don’t know if we would’ve had an edge.

Lemmy: Yeah, about that, I…

Rif: Not only that, but you were even able to persuade Bostaph…

Lemmy: It’s fine, just let me speak already!

Rif: Huh…? Go right ahead.

Lemmy: Anyway… I’m sorry.

Rif: What? You mean about how you saved us? Weren’t you listening to anything I said?

Lemmy: No, not that. I just meant about how you said Anise and her gang were really bad people!

Rif: Oh, I see! I get it now. I’m just glad you came around!

Lemmy: I just wanted to say that I was at fault. I shouldn’t have doubted you.

Rif: That’s right. Maybe from now on you’ll believe me a little more, huh?

Lemmy: Well, I suppose… I’ll think about it.

Rif: Hey, weren’t you apologizing a second ago? It’s because you’re always saying that kind of stuff that I can’t help but think you’re not being very honest with yourself.

Lemmy: … You know, I wouldn’t want you to get too cocky. Maybe I should do something about that…

Rif: N-no, that’s okay. I’ll be good.

Night Eight - Killfith

Killfith: Heh…
    -You must be feeling back to your usual energetic self to be strolling around at a time like this…

Rif: What about you, Killfith? Are you doing okay? They put you through the ringer too, right?

Killfith: I already mentioned I was in the same room with that shaggy-headed idiot, but the magnitude of the disgrace… just thinking about it makes me angry.
    -Next time I encounter that clown, I’ll be sure to reward him with a generous disembowelment.

Rif: Haha… I was in a bind, too, but I think I was way worse off.
    -I did hugged by that Gillan person, you know.

Killfith: Heh… if it was me, I would’ve wiped him off the face of the planet before I got into such a pathetic situation.

Rif: Don’t laugh, I was in some serious pain…
    -And then, there’s also what Anise said…

Killfith: And what was that?

Rif: Ah, no… it was nothing special, don’t worry about it.

Killfith: … You’re backtracking… she dropped some kind of bombshell on you, didn’t she?

Rif: Ah, no… how could that be…?

Killfith: Heh… it doesn’t matter. Next time we cross paths with those cretins, I’ll be sure to pass on my gratitude for what they did to the both of us.
    -I’ll show them such delicious agony that they’ll wish they were dead…!

Rif: I am both happy and a little freaked out…

(fade to black)

-In the end, I couldn’t bring myself to talk to Killfith about Master Rob…

Night Eight - Jade

Jade: Yo, Rif!
    -You did good today. Thanks to you, we have a better understanding of what Anise and her gang are up to.
    -You even got rid of Red Wing for us.

Rif: Well, that was thanks to both me and Lemmy. And if he hadn’t come when he did and caught Anise red-handed…
    -We might’ve been goners back there…

Jade: Well, good on ’im, charging into a nice little place like that.
    -But on the other hand, I got in so late I didn’t get a chance to say my catch phrase…

Rif: Come on, don’t feel down about that…

Jade: Moreover, that you guys could defeat Red Wing by yourselves…

Rif: We could only win because Lemmy had weakened it when he fought it before… even though I don’t want to admit it, he’s amazing.

Jade: Lemmy… I see… by the way, you didn’t see a Summon Creature back then, did you?

Rif: Summon Creature? There was Red Wing, but that was it…

Jade: I see… guess he’s done it again…

Rif: What do you mean? Was there something else?

Jade: Huh? No, nothing.

Rif: Uh-huh. Someone’s acting a little too suspicious…