Monday, February 21, 2011

Night Five - Murno

Rif: Murno?

Murno: Rif…! You’re safe, I’m so glad…

Rif: What about you, Murno? Are you hurt?

Murno: I’m all right. Killfith was able to save us, so…

Rif: That kid?
    -That’s right… where’s Killfith?

Murno: I don't know... all I know is that the people here found us... and Govan's Demon Stone, too...

Rif: No way...! They took the demon stone?!

Murno: They did... except... it didn't seem like they were aiming for the demon stone specifically…

Rif: I see… and they took all my things too... do you know why they thought they had to lock us up?

Murno: Well... I also wondered, but... I'm sorry...

Rif: Huh?

Murno: I'm so sorry... It's my fault that we're stuck here... If I hadn't dragged you into this...

Rif: It's not your fault! The only ones to blame for us ending up in here is Anise and her gang!

Murno: But I was the one they were chasing after... because I'm the one holding onto Govan's Demon Stone....
    -After all, Govan's Demon Stone is something that invites misfortune...

Rif: Invites misfortune...

Murno: I heard once that, a long time ago, the demon stone's power caused the destruction of an entire city…

Rif: It destroyed a city? And you've been carrying around something that dangerous this entire time?!

Murno: I have it precisely because it is so dangerous. My family has guarded the demon stone for generations…
    -Until it got to me, at least… I couldn’t protect it at all…

Rif: ... Are... are you crying?

Murno: I’ve kept it secret this whole time, but the truth is they suddenly came looking to take the demon stone, and my village...
    -And everyone... even though there was no reason to, they... it was terrible...

Rif: What exactly did they do...?

Murno: My father and the village still had a duty to protect the demon stone, no matter what… so he gave it to me…

Rif: And that's when you escaped… But do you know what became of the village or your father after that...?

Murno: I don't, but... surely, they're already—

Rif: Murno... that's...

Murno: I'm so sorry, Rif. I never meant to get you mixed up in this, but just look where I've led us...
    -I—somehow, because I... because I just couldn't…

Rif: You can’t give up.

Murno: Rif?

Rif: You shouldn't be so rough on yourself. This whole time, you've been trying as hard as you could not to get us involved in this...
    -That's why I won’t give up, either. Then you won't have to suffer through everything by yourself anymore.
    -And then you won't have to cry anymore, okay, Murno?

Murno: ...

Rif: But first off, we have to find some way out of here and take back the demon stone...
    -So let's do our best!

Murno: Thank you, Rif...

-Even though I could not see her face through the wall between us, I think that Murno might have been smiling just a little.

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