Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day Seven, Part Ten

(In front of the prison)

Rif: Geez... if I'd only been paying attention then...

Tram: It's not your fault.

Gallahan: Indeed. The three of you did well today. You should be proud. It was a long, hard day!

Rif: ...

Tram: (to Murno) By the way, were you able to learn anything about the enchanted crystals?

Murno: They looked exactly like the ones in my village… they emanated such an immense power... and then, the Summon Creatures that began acting out...
    -The crystals released such a strong power in response to the demon stone that it caused Magdorad to act strangely.
    -That power is the same as the one Killfith felt when we fled from Mishews Village…
    -I wonder if any of this would have happened if I hadn't taken the demon stone from the village…

Killfith: Murno—

Rif: That couldn't be helped, though. Anise and her people were trying to take it.

Murno: And yet, while they were going after the demon stone so relentlessly, I couldn't do anything…
    -Only, father… he told me that only I could protect it, and that I shouldn’t let it pass into anyone else’s hands…

Tram: According to the stories you have told us, it seems that a long time ago the people of Mishews Village came here to build Louise Village.
    -I can only surmise the reason has to do with Govan's Demon Stone, but I wonder about that detail of how it “possesses great power”…
    -It makes me think that Anise may have also known about the story, even those small details…

Rif: But... if we just put it back where it came from, wouldn't everything go back to normal?

Murno: I don't know if that would work... even if it would, I don't know if that's an option at this point…

Tram: That's right… they may still be keeping an eye on Mishews Village. That in mind, you should immediately begin preparations for departure.


Rif: Huh? You mean you're letting us go home?
    -But what about what you said before, about keeping the village's secrets...?

Tram: (smiles) After all you've done to help save our village, there's no reason to be suspicious of you anymore. We are forever in your debt.

Rif: Wow, thank you.

Tram: Truly, we should be the ones thanking you.
    -The exit is just up ahead. Let us know when you're ready to depart.

(Side Conversation)
Rif: Tram and Gallahan are waiting at the exit to the village. I've gotta say, I'm more than ready to go home.

Killfith: It's about time. I'm sick of this village.

Rif: Still, I can’t believe we let Anise slip away from us…

Murno: Don't be so hard on yourself, Rif. Even with all the terrible things going on, you still did your best...

Rif: Thank you, Murno.

(At the village's exit)

Tram: Are you ready to leave Louise Village?

    -All set and ready to go!  >Outta this loony bin!
    -I think there's something I forgot…

Outta this loony bin!
Tram: Is that so? But first, take this.

Rif: What is this? A scale?

Tram: It's a scale from Lord Nushi himself. You can keep it as a sort of protective charm, if you will.

Rif: A protective charm, huh... thank you. I'll be sure to keep it safe!

(Obtained Phantom Dragon Scale!)

Tram: I suppose this is where we part ways, but please feel free to return any time you like.

Rif: I will! So stay safe while I'm gone!
    -You too, mister… stay strong!

Gallahan: (smiles) I will.

Murno: Be sure to look after yourself.

Gallahan: I will…

Killfith: Hmph... guess this is goodbye…

Gallahan: Indeed…

Rif: Hey, mister…
    -Thanks for listening when I said I was a Craftknight. It made me really happy.

Gallahan: Huh?!
    -(turns away)

Rif: (?) Mister, are you crying?

Gallahan: Bah! Don't poke fun at your elders! You should be on the road already!

Rif: Okay, I'm going! Bye then!

(Tram steps out of the way and the three children walk through the exit)

Gallahan: (watching them go) … They're gone…

Tram: Gallahan… I see, you were thinking of your daughter...

Gallahan: What nonsense is that? I'm going as well.

(The Flawed Caves)

Rif: Wow! To think we ended up here... I didn't see that coming...

Killfith: Hey. What are we doing now?

Rif: Good question... What about Murno's Village? Should we try to return the demon stone?

Killfith: First we have to think of a way to dispose of Anise's gang.

Murno: He's right... they already know about Mishews Village…
    -In the meantime, I'll bet Miss V.E and everyone else is worried about us.

Rif: No doubt about that... but Anise might already be in town, you know, and Master's gonna beat me black and blue after disappearing for so long…
    -So, I'm not too enthusiastic about going back yet…

Murno: But, if we just leave things as they are…

Rif: Yeeeahh... I guess...
    -Well then... we'll get closer to town for now and figure out something from there.

Murno: Heeheehee…

Rif: What? Did I say something weird?

Murno: Yep. It was very Rif-like.

Killfith: Indeed, that response was very like you.

Rif: Heheheh, somehow that doesn't sound very flattering...

Killfith: How lucky to be so simple.

Murno: Anyway, let's start heading towards town.

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