Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day Eight, Part Five

Halfway through, Killfith stops, looking across the gorge.

Killfith: Who’s there?!

Rif: What is it, Killfith? Is someone there?

Killfith: Tch… ran off.

Rif: There’s no one there. Could it have been your imagination?

Killfith: Tch. I thought I just spotted that slow-moving dullard.

(Side Conversation)
Rif: It seems that Anise is in the Slenge Mines after all. Let’s go in!

Killfith: Maybe we should plant an ambush for them, to pay them back for those other times…

Rif: Hold up…! Don’t make threats!

Killfith: You call that a threat?

//Now would be a good time to finish your side quests, if you haven’t already.//

(In the next area, a gang headed by Anise is waiting.)

Anise: Do you always drag your feet? I was getting tired of waiting.

Rif: Why you… you… creeps…!

Pike: You can thank our Summon Creature lookout for discovering you. You didn’t even realize you’d been spotted.
    -Stupid brats!

Gillan: What are you saying? They came out all the way here just to become my little brother. Isn’t that right?

Rif: Huh?! That’s not it at all!

Killfith: You are the ones we’ve been looking for. No doubt about it.

Gillan: (blushing) My!

Rif: Don’t give him any weird ideas!

Anise: (…) However, the fact that you were able to follow this guy here is an inexcusable failure.

Man: But if the next lookout had come to relieve me like he was supposed to, then this never would have…

    -Instead of quibbling about who should have been doing what or where, you should hurry up and seize those brats!

(The funny-hatted man, annoyed, faces Rif)

Rif: Bring it!

(Man, Rif and Summon Creature fight. Rif wins.)

Man: (…) Dammit… These brats…

Anise: (sigh) This guy is completely useless…

Gillan: Leave this to me. You just watch and see how it’s done.

(The man steps onto the sidelines while Gillan and the others walk up to Rif)

Rif: (…) Kh…!

>Go to Cuddling Kills

If you take the path to the right, our heroes will stop as they see the Summon Creature paused up ahead.

Killfith: It’s him!

Rif: The Summon Creature from just now!

(The Summon Creature turns around, annoyed, and attacks; Rif wins)

Rif: Whew… that took me by surprise.

Killfith: Tch… someone might have overheard our battle with that garbage heap just now…

Rif: Even so, let’s try and go as far as we can!

Killfith: Heh… figures you’d say that.

(Side Conversation)
Rif: It seems that Anise is in the Slenge Mines after all. Let’s go in!

Killfith: We might have drawn some attention this way during our fight with that piece of garbage back there.
    -Well, it makes no difference either way. We’ll wipe out the whole lot of them regardless.

Rif: Come on, Killfith, settle down, just settle down…

(In the next area, two men are arguing.)

First Man: I already told you I didn’t forget, and anyway I’m here now so I’ll take your shift, I just thought… huh?

(Man notices Rif)

First Man: Ah!

Killfith: (to Rif) Don’t just stand there gawking.

Second Man: What are you staring at? I told you, hurry up and stand guard! … Huh?
    -(turns around and sees Rif)
    -You little runt! How did you get here?

First Man: (smirking) Aw, did you get followed? What a schmuck… have fun reporting that.

Second Man: Shut yer yap! We’ll be fine as long as we grab ’em, right?

Rif: No way you’re grabbing me!

(Fight ensues)

Man: Dammit… these guys…

(Crap! The cavalry!)

Anise: Do you make a ruckus wherever you go?

Rif: It’s you!

Anise: (to nameless minions) I will teach you both a lesson after this for letting them infiltrate so far into our territory.

Man: Y-yes, ma’am…

Gillan: (blushing) I’m so happy. You came all the way out here just because you wanted to become my younger brother, didn’t you?

Rif: Huh?! That’s not it at all!

Killfith: You are the ones we’ve been looking for. No doubt about it.

Rif: Wait a… Don’t give him any weird ideas!

Gillan: ♥ Really?! I’m so happy!

>Go to Cuddling Kills

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