Sunday, February 6, 2011

Night Four - Killfith

Killfith: So this is where you went…
    -How did you end up here?

Rif: Ah, well... I just went for a walk, and somehow or another, you know...

Killfith: Are you sure that's a good idea? Bostaph's workshop isn't far from here. You don't want to be caught in a place like this staring off into space.
    -Will you be able to protect Murno?

Rif: Well, but about that... if it's so dangerous here, why hasn’t Murno run away yet?

Killfith: Probably for her own reasons.

Rif: I guess it's a secret, huh. Well, that’s nothing new, though…

Killfith: Tch…

Rif: Man, the more I find out, the less I seem to know…

Killfith: Hmph… sounds like you won’t be able to muster up the heart to protect Murno.

Rif: It's nothing like that... Like Master said, a Craftknight's promise is stronger than steel.
    -With you as my partner, I will protect Murno the best that I can!

Killfith: And what if it turns out that Murno had something to do with why those humans died? Like Rob, for instance?

Rif: That… I don’t…

Killfith: If that time should come, perhaps it would be best if I was released from being your partner.

Rif: Wha—why…?!

Killfith: If I was gone, then won’t any need to protect Murno also disappear?

Rif: Killfith… but, you said—and a Craftknight's promise is…

Killfith: That idiocy doesn't have anything to do with me.

Rif: Killfith…

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